2024 Fall After School Program Registration

Your student’s after school program enrollment includes homework help, 2 enrichment classes of your choice, and free pick up from all Carroll ISD schools(Excluding Carroll Elementary School).

Step 1: Pay the deposit/Annual registration fee. Skip this step if you have already paid.

After School Deposit (Annual Registration Fee) - 2024 Fall Semester

The deposit paid will be applied towards the $100 Annual Registration fee for both New and Returning Students

*Please keep in mind that full-time (Mon-Fri) and full-day students will be given priority for registration

The deposit is nonrefundable if we were able to accommodate your student.


Step 2: Fill out the registration form below

 2024 Southlake Tutoring Academy Academic After School Program Registration Form

Step 3: Enroll and Pay using Sawyer:

 2024 Fall Southlake Tutoring Academy Academic After School Program Enrollment