Private vs Group (Enrichment) Tutoring
What is difference between Private and Enrichment Tutoring? Private tutoring addresses an immediate need the student is having, be it test prep or a failing grade. Enrichment classes are long term solutions for students who are doing well in class but would like to do better or get ahead of their classmates. Students who have A’s, B’s or C’s in class do better in Enrichment classes while students who are failing or in danger of failing would require private tutoring. The goal of private tutoring is to improve a student’s grade to the point where they can join an Enrichment class.
What are Enrichment Classes?
Enrichment classes introduce higher level material to students while also reinforcing foundational concepts. The purpose of the class is to prepare students for high level classes in school and set them up for success and build their confidence.
Can I enter my child into a Enrichment Class that has already started?
Yes. We will prorate the fee for the program. Our curriculum is designed to allow students enter our program at any time. Though there is no way to make up the missed classes we will touch on similar concepts in the future.
Why Enrichment classes over Private Tutoring?
Have you ever heard of the saying “you don’t know what you don’t know”? This is main reason Enrichment classes see better results than private tutoring. Many students struggle with the same concepts (especially when they are part of the same school district), but don’t understand they don’t know what the problem is. Through a group environment students are working together and asking questions which lead to more discovery and greater knowledge. Enrichment classes are also significantly less expensive per hour than private tutoring. Students should always start in an Enrichment class then move to private tutoring if their grades are in immediate danger.
Does my child need private tutoring?
Most children do not require private tutoring. The majority of students see massive improvements through group classes and enrichment programs. If your child has participated in a group setting and is not seeing the results you expect, than your child would be a good candidate for private tutoring.
How long will my child need private tutoring?
Private tutoring is a short term solution. Children who are in danger of failing or have other immediate needs are good candidates for private tutoring.
What if I need to change my private tutoring time?
Any changes made to your child’s schedule needs to be made no less than 24 hours before their scheduled time. Student’s who are late or miss to their appointments will be charged the hourly rate.
I want my child to have tutoring, but they don’t want to come?
A student who verbally and non-verbally tells you they do not want to attend tutoring is not a good candidate for private or enrichment tutoring. As the instructor will do everything in their power to help your child reach their goals, your child must be willing to put in the time and effort needed to achieve their goals.
How much does tutoring cost? Do you have discounted tutoring packages?
Enrichment classes are $20 hour and are paid by semester. The general cost is $300. We do prorate Enrichment classes for students who join later in the class. The cost for one hour of private tutoring is $50/hr. Discounted tutoring packages are available. A ten hour package is $47/hr. A twenty hour package is $45/hr. A forty hour package is $43/hr.